Top 10 Social Bookmarking Sites Which Can Increase Your Website Traffic

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In Today's Time Facebook Is the Biggest Social Bookmarking Platform where all the business landing out. Everyone is on facebook today's time.So facebook is the best platform to post our site link.
Twitter is also a big social media platform where you can share your thoughts, your daily updates and can promote your website also by sharing some usefull information which people like most .
LinkedIn is basically for whom who is professional like a business man, and all other peoples who are working in higher sector and by this here is the opertunity to piche your niche and find the relavent things like for a production house they can creat a lead from the linkedin by promoting their business in linkedin.
Instagram is popular in current era. Everyone is on instagram and sharing their daily activities like if they are cooking something they like to share it on instagram or whaeever they are doing they like share it on insta, So instagram is the best platform to promote your business.
Tumbler is like a facebook you can shar your business, thoughs and whatever you are doing. It is a good platform to promote our business.
In Scoop it you can post your topics related to your business. It is available in both free and paid version depend upon your need to share the topics.
You can share your website link here or your blog link here. It is very usful for digital marketer.
Reddit is platform where you can share you blog, Link and so on . Many people share valuable information and promote their businesses.
Pintrest is platform where you can post your niche related images and related links.
Rapi chat is a social bookmarking place where you can share your pictures, links related your niche and can promote your website.
